The Hard Truths About Life that No One Tells You.

The Hard Truths About Life that No One Tells You. 1. Success is simply a pile of failures stacked together as a ladder to test your faith, determination, passion, persistence, and resilience, but more importantly, to make your success valid. 2. When people cheer you up, don't rejoice because of that. Rejoice because you have seen your destiny. There are those who rejoice with you but deep inside, they are praying for your downfall. 3. No number of self-help books, inspirational videos, and motivational seminars can change a person unless they are willing to sacrifice all of their bad habits. 4. The majority of people are not living happily. They are actually living other people’s dreams and pretending that they are happy. 5. Nothing is permanent. Even the fire of a blissful love affair that started off as a fiery tale begins to dim the moment you encounter the rough, unmerciful, and uncompromising patches of life. 6. Everybody is selfish to the extent that nobody will see their he...