Why do Horses Sleep Standing up?
REASON: Horses, like human beings, sleep in various degrees of sleep. They can doze or take a nap and experience Slow Wave Sleep ( SWS ), they also need Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep, the deep sleep in which dreams occur Horses can doze or nap in the SWS stage , while standing, this is because of a unique quality of the equine skeletal system, to lock their limbs, specifically their rear knee-caps, allowing the skeleton to hold them upright without engaging the muscles. It is possible because of a special system of tendons and ligaments and is called as the Stay Apparatus in veterinary medicine. This mechanism has evolved in most prey-animals that live in predator rich regions. Horses due to their straight backs, cannot get up quickly if a predator approaches, before domestication horses sleeping upright gave them a swift advantage of escaping a predator compared to horses lying down to sleep. A horse will never lie down if they do not feel safe. Horses need REM sleep, from 30 ...